MORTGAGE LOANS: Two issues that are always relevant

The professional experience and recent judicial decisions provide us with the opportunity for a brief focus on two issues of ever-present interest relating to the mortgage loan agreement (“mutuo fondiario”) –, being as well known one of the most widespread bank financing, both among consumers, for the purchase of personal real estate, and companies, for […]

How to set up a company in Turkey: useful legal tips.

Introduction   A recent business transaction, regarding the establishment of a company in Turkey, has given us the opportunity for a brief overview about the possibilities for Italian companies wishing to produce goods or provide services in the Turkish market to set up a company.   Business Overview In 2021, the Turkish economy grew by […]

Landolfi & Associates awarded as “Boutique Law Firm of the Year 2021 for Excellence in Commercial Law” For the excellence and solid competence achieved, for the experience and professionalism demonstrated in solving legal issues and, in particular, for having managed with care and attention a wide and growing number of transactions, as well as for offering a range of integrated services in the field of Commercial Law (LeFontiAwards).

International Joint Ventures: ways to enter into a foreign market

Joint Ventures internazionali: strumenti flessibili per l’ingresso nei mercati esteri

1. Introduction The legal advisory for the internationalization of SMEs highlights that  international distribution and international agency agreements are certainly the most simple  ways for an enterprise to enter into a foreign market; in facts, these agreements allow the exporter to drive the international expansion of its  business from the national headquarter; but immediately afterwards, […]

The international distribution of goods: advantages, risks, precautions.

1. Introduction The recurring professional experiences in the field of international distribution and agency in France, Belgium and Germany, of Italian goods intended for export, give us the opportunity to recap the most important legal aspects of these typical commercial relationships and to focus on their frequent advantages and risks, as well as on the […]

Due Diligence for the acquisitions of company and shares: utility and added value

Prior to acquisitions of companies, businesses or shareholdings, it is nowadays common for Enterprises, especially large and medium-sized, to entrust Law Firms or Auditors to carry out legal, tax and financial Due Diligence with the aim of collecting and of evaluating information and documents on debts, credits, contracts and litigations of the target company, in […]

The limits to the CEO’S liability in Italy: the business judgment rule

limite di resposabilita

Updates on CEO’S responsability   Italian jurisprudence applies the so-called “Business judgment rule”, which derives from Common Law and according to which the Judge in deciding on the civil responsability of a Chief Executive Officer of a Company cannot evaluate the merit or the content of the manager’s choice or the profitability of the transaction, […]